среда, 4 сентября 2013 г.

RAE 2013: Terminator-2 – World Premiere

A world premiere will take place on the first day of the 9th International Exhibition of Arms, Military Equipment and Ammunition - Russia Arms EXPO 2013 (RAE 2013) on September 25, 2013. Research and Production Corporation URALVAGONZAVOD will present its latest design – Tank Support Fighting Vehicle BMPT-72.

BMPT-72 is a breakthrough modernization of the world-famous URALVAGONZAVOD T-72 tank. When designing BMPT-72, engineers relied on experience of creation and exploitation of BMPT, also known as Terminator for its gun power.
Just as its basic model, Terminator-2 is a multipurpose tank and infantry fire support vehicle that can operate in any combat mode, complicated geographic area, light conditions and against any enemy. Still, it has some new features: upgraded fire-control system and turret weapon station protection.
The breakthrough vehicle is built on the platform of the most widely manufactured and used T-72 tank. Given that, the key advantage that BMPT-72 gives to all the counties that operate T-72 tanks, is that they can promptly and at minimum cost upgrade their armies to ultra-modern level, enhance its capacity, mobility, protection and armament without purchasing new high cost machines.
Terminator-2 is to premiere in a multimedia lightshow at a 900 m2 presentation centre built especially for that purpose. Foreign visitors and official delegation are expected to attend the presentation. 

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